About us

About US

The Naturopathy and yoga system of treatment the nature cure system aims at the readjustment or human system from abnormal to normal condition and function and adopt method of cure which are in conformity with the constructive principal of nature each method such method eliminate toxic matter and poisons from the system without any way injuring the vital organs of the body.

Naturopathy is the system of medicine that relies upon the use of only natural substance for the treatment of the diseases rather than drugs herbs food grown without artificial fertilizer & prepared without use of preservative or coloring material pure water. Sunlight & fresh air all employed in an effort to rid the body of unnatural substance which are said to be at the root a most.

Naturopathy has many advantage compared to the other system of treatment nature healing force make steady progress towards recovery is all diseases if the patients acts according to natural system of treatment lead to a much more speedily recovery of health & cure the disease thoroughly and effectually so that the blood and Humours are cleared of all morbid matter and also it short as is clear from the nature of treatment which endeavors to purity the blood so as to prevent the localization of the any type bacilli, parasite, Fungi etc.

About MH Medical Institute


MH Medical Institute is an autonomous educational institute in spreading Knowledge of Naturopathy & Yoga medical science and technology. The Board under Indraprastha Shiksha Prachar Samiti with a view to provide medical facilities and propagation / promotion of Naturopathy and Yoga. The Board was established under statutory provision about Dozen Naturopathy & Yoga College are affiliated in UP to this Board.

Main Objectives of Board of Naturopathy System of Medicine U.P. under I.S.P.S.(U.P.) and C.M.M.E.O.(All India Basis) are as Follow:-
  1. To establish and run hospital of Naturopathy
  2. To establish and run institution of Naturopathy & Yoga an to provide Naturopathy Diploma for successful candidate
  3. To establish the institution for Naturopathy promotion, Development & research
  4. Board has the right to issue D.N.Y.S, B.N.Y.S, and P.G N.D, diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga because there are no regulatory frame work or no central/state legislation to regulate the Naturopathy medical Science
  5. The Board informed to the registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad lucknow and to the Principal Health Secretary Lucknow and Principal Health Secretary Ayush (Lucknow) Director of Ayruvedic and Unani services lucknow Uttar Pradesh central govt. issue a letter no. F.No. V.25011/386/2010-HR on dated 06-01-2011 regarding the Naturopathy
  6. The Board informed to the registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad lucknow and to the director of Ayruvedic and Unani services Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
  7. Naturopathy is recognized as a system of medicine by central govt. and all state including U.P govt
  8. Central council for research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) has cleared that he does not interfere in any kind of activities of any registered societies and society issue Degree/Diploma under the law
  9. In U.P Naturopathy Doctors have the right to practice and issue the Medical Certificate
  10. The registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad Lucknow has issued a letter on 01/01/2010 to practice in Naturopathy & Yoga in U.P
  11. There are several Registrations of students Of Board of Naturopathy System Of Medicine U.P. in various CMO Offices of several districts of Uttar Pradesh such as Moradabad, Bijnor, Bareilly, Etah, Farrukhabad, Hathras, Mainpuri etc
  12. Board Of Naturopathy System Of Medicine U.P. submitted documents regarding Education and Registration of Naturopathy Doctors of BNSM UP to Ayurvedic Unani Tibbi Chikitsa Paditi Board and on dated 20-12-2014 and 13-04-2015 Ayurvedic Unani Tibbi Chikitsa Paditi Board issued a received copy of submitted documents of BNSM UP
  13. As per the ministry of health and family welfare govt. of India established CCRYN only for research an development in Naturopathy and Yoga but not to interfere in any kind of activities of any registered societies
  14. To establish and run hospital of Naturopathy
  15. To establish and run institution of Naturopathy & Yoga an to provide Naturopathy Diploma for successful candidate
  16. To establish the institution for Naturopathy promotion, Development & research
  17. Board has the right to issue D.N.Y.S, B.N.Y.S, and P.G N.D, diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga because there are no regulatory frame work or no central/state legislation to regulate the Naturopathy medical Science
  18. The Board informed to the registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad lucknow and to the Principal Health Secretary Lucknow and Principal Health Secretary Ayush (Lucknow) Director of Ayruvedic and Unani services lucknow Uttar Pradesh central govt. issue a letter no. F.No. V.25011/386/2010-HR on dated 06-01-2011 regarding the Naturopathy
  19. The Board informed to the registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad lucknow and to the director of Ayruvedic and Unani services Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
  20. Naturopathy is recognized as a system of medicine by central govt. and all state including U.P govt
  21. Central council for research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) has cleared that he does not interfere in any kind of activities of any registered societies and society issue Degree/Diploma under the law
  22. In U.P Naturopathy Doctors have the right to practice and issue the Medical Certificate
  23. The registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad Lucknow has issued a letter on 01/01/2010 to practice in Naturopathy & Yoga in U.P
  24. There are several Registrations of students Of Board of Naturopathy System Of Medicine U.P. in various CMO Offices of several districts of Uttar Pradesh such as Moradabad, Bijnor, Bareilly, Etah, Farrukhabad, Hathras, Mainpuri etc
  25. Board Of Naturopathy System Of Medicine U.P. submitted documents regarding Education and Registration of Naturopathy Doctors of BNSM UP to Ayurvedic Unani Tibbi Chikitsa Paditi Board and on dated 20-12-2014 and 13-04-2015 Ayurvedic Unani Tibbi Chikitsa Paditi Board issued a received copy of submitted documents of BNSM UP
  26. As per the ministry of health and family welfare govt. of India established CCRYN only for research an development in Naturopathy and Yoga but not to interfere in any kind of activities of any registered societies
  27. To establish and run hospital of Naturopathy
  28. To establish and run institution of Naturopathy & Yoga an to provide Naturopathy Diploma for successful candidate
  29. To establish the institution for Naturopathy promotion, Development & research
  30. Board has the right to issue D.N.Y.S, B.N.Y.S, and P.G N.D, diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga because there are no regulatory frame work or no central/state legislation to regulate the Naturopathy medical Science
  31. The Board informed to the registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad lucknow and to the Principal Health Secretary Lucknow and Principal Health Secretary Ayush (Lucknow) Director of Ayruvedic and Unani services lucknow Uttar Pradesh central govt. issue a letter no. F.No. V.25011/386/2010-HR on dated 06-01-2011 regarding the Naturopathy
  32. The Board informed to the registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad lucknow and to the director of Ayruvedic and Unani services Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
  33. Naturopathy is recognized as a system of medicine by central govt. and all state including U.P govt
  34. Central council for research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) has cleared that he does not interfere in any kind of activities of any registered societies and society issue Degree/Diploma under the law
  35. In U.P Naturopathy Doctors have the right to practice and issue the Medical Certificate
  36. The registrar of Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad Lucknow has issued a letter on 01/01/2010 to practice in Naturopathy & Yoga in U.P
  37. There are several Registrations of students Of Board of Naturopathy System Of Medicine U.P. in various CMO Offices of several districts of Uttar Pradesh such as Moradabad, Bijnor, Bareilly, Etah, Farrukhabad, Hathras, Mainpuri etc
  38. Board Of Naturopathy System Of Medicine U.P. submitted documents regarding Education and Registration of Naturopathy Doctors of BNSM UP to Ayurvedic Unani Tibbi Chikitsa Paditi Board and on dated 20-12-2014 and 13-04-2015 Ayurvedic Unani Tibbi Chikitsa Paditi Board issued a received copy of submitted documents of BNSM UP
  39. As per the ministry of health and family welfare govt. of India established CCRYN only for research an development in Naturopathy and Yoga but not to interfere in any kind of activities of any registered societies



Electro Homoeopathy is separate medical system of treatment Electro homoeopathic system of medicine is base on scientific principle and Electro-Homoeopathic harmless natural and is new system of medicine .This system is quite different from Allopathic, Ayruvedic, Unani, Homoeopathic Naturopathy System .This new pathy was discovered in 1865 by Dr.Count Crese Mattie of Italy on the basic of principles of complexa-complexis-curanter. This principle based the blood and lymph life fluid (if the vitalition condition of blood or lymph or both is cause of disease). The remedies of Electro-Homoeopathy are prepared by the scientific process called the spasgirie way commonly as “COHOBATION” method in which the living energies of the essence obtained from the plant. The remedies have curative capacities to regulate the blood and lymph and also to keep them purified only non-poisonous plant are used for preparing medicine under this system. Alcohol or other poisonous matter is not used in preparation of these remedies. Hence there is no side effect on the Human body, any or discomfort can easily and quickly be controlled.

That the system of Medicine mainly function a preventive on the principles of human organization and is entirely composed two life fluids such as blood and lymph. The health and disease are dependent on such life fluid.

The electro-homoeopathic remedies are prepared from vegetables kingdom on the specific process called spageric way which are introduce by Paracelsus and Dr.Von Hellmont . These remedies have maximum curative capacity and the capacity to regulate the lymph and blood also keep them purified.

  1. Electro-Homoeopathic medicines are cheap and not expensive.
  2. Electro-Homoeopathic medicine are not poisonous they do not create drug disease or leave any bad effect.
  3. They supply food for RBC and nourish the WBC and lymph.
  4. They promote to exportation through the Shin and other channel of morbid & superfluous substances which interfere with the health of the body.
  5. They give to blood and lymph are more particularly to the WBC which are found in those fluid such additional vigorous and vitality as enable them more successful to attack weaken neutralize destroy and expel the bacilli and other diseases producing germs which invade the organism.
  6. Electro-Homoeopathic medicine prepared only vegetable Kingdom Only.
  7. Electro-Homoeopathic medicines have quickly action and have curative property.
  8. Electro-Homoeopathic medicine import from 150 Arzemittel Germany and now-a-days manufactured in India.
  9. Electro-Homoeopathic medicine prepared from plants only.



The Board of Electro-Homoeopathic medicine under C.M.M.E.O all India basis regd.under S.R.Act 21, 1860 by Delhi Admin. Delhi govt. of India for Research, Promotion, Development and Education of Electro-Homoeopathic and other Alternative system of treatment under S.R.Act to promote and development of this system by establishing Electro homoeopathic/alternative certificate to successful person of the Electro-Homoeopathic/Alternative course and awarding diploma/ certificate to successful person of the Electro-Homoeopathy/Alternative under it’s aims & objects it has wide network to promote electro- Homoeopathy/alternative system throughout India.

In addition to this correspondence by this board.

  1. Uttar Pradesh Govt. issued a letter on Date 16-01-2012 & 11-06-2013 implementing the Govt. G.O of Date 15-12-2011 and 04-01-2012 on the representation of Electrohomoeopathy
  2. Govt. Of India issued a letter on Date 15-07-2014 to Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board implementing the Letter of Ministry Of Health of Date 29-06-2012 and 02-11-2012 regarding representation of Electrohomoepathy
  3. Govt. Of India issued a letter on Date 10-04-2015 regarding Education, Practice and Recognition Of Electrohomoeopathy to Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  4. ICMR issued a letter on Date 10-12-2014 regarding Electrohomoeopathy Bill Representation of Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  5. ICMR issued a letter on Date 28-04-2015 regarding provision of Legislation in view of supporting documents submitted by Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  6. To establish and run for education Institute of Electro-Homoeopathic and other Alternative Medical science in India
  7. To establish the Institution of Electro-Homoeopathic/ Alternative system of Medicine for Research, Promotion, & Development throughout the Country
  8. To issue the certificate / Diploma for successful candidate\
  9. To open Dispensary/of Electro-Homoeopathic/Alternative in India
  10. To establish laboratory of Electro-homoeopathic/ Naturopathy/Alternative for Research development through Country
  11. To Provide Electro Homoeopathic /Alternative Diploma/Certificate for successful candidate
  12. Uttar Pradesh Govt. issued a letter on Date 16-01-2012 & 11-06-2013 implementing the Govt. G.O of Date 15-12-2011 and 04-01-2012 on the representation of Electrohomoeopathy
  13. Govt. Of India issued a letter on Date 15-07-2014 to Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board implementing the Letter of Ministry Of Health of Date 29-06-2012 and 02-11-2012 regarding representation of Electrohomoepathy
  14. Govt. Of India issued a letter on Date 10-04-2015 regarding Education, Practice and Recognition Of Electrohomoeopathy to Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  15. ICMR issued a letter on Date 10-12-2014 regarding Electrohomoeopathy Bill Representation of Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  16. ICMR issued a letter on Date 28-04-2015 regarding provision of Legislation in view of supporting documents submitted by Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  17. To establish and run for education Institute of Electro-Homoeopathic and other Alternative Medical science in India
  18. To establish the Institution of Electro-Homoeopathic/ Alternative system of Medicine for Research, Promotion, & Development throughout the Country
  19. To issue the certificate / Diploma for successful candidate\
  20. To open Dispensary/of Electro-Homoeopathic/Alternative in India
  21. To establish laboratory of Electro-homoeopathic/ Naturopathy/Alternative for Research development through Country
  22. To Provide Electro Homoeopathic /Alternative Diploma/Certificate for successful candidate
  23. Uttar Pradesh Govt. issued a letter on Date 16-01-2012 & 11-06-2013 implementing the Govt. G.O of Date 15-12-2011 and 04-01-2012 on the representation of Electrohomoeopathy
  24. Govt. Of India issued a letter on Date 15-07-2014 to Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board implementing the Letter of Ministry Of Health of Date 29-06-2012 and 02-11-2012 regarding representation of Electrohomoepathy
  25. Govt. Of India issued a letter on Date 10-04-2015 regarding Education, Practice and Recognition Of Electrohomoeopathy to Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  26. ICMR issued a letter on Date 10-12-2014 regarding Electrohomoeopathy Bill Representation of Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  27. ICMR issued a letter on Date 28-04-2015 regarding provision of Legislation in view of supporting documents submitted by Electro Homoeopathic & Alternative Medicine Board
  28. To establish and run for education Institute of Electro-Homoeopathic and other Alternative Medical science in India
  29. To establish the Institution of Electro-Homoeopathic/ Alternative system of Medicine for Research, Promotion, & Development throughout the Country
  30. To issue the certificate / Diploma for successful candidate\
  31. To open Dispensary/of Electro-Homoeopathic/Alternative in India
  32. To establish laboratory of Electro-homoeopathic/ Naturopathy/Alternative for Research development through Country
  33. To Provide Electro Homoeopathic /Alternative Diploma/Certificate for successful candidate